

Programa de Treinamento em
Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista

Módulo II
O Exame Diagnóstico


Coronariografia: anatomia normal e suas variantes

Dr. Bernardo Amorim
29 Maio 2012 ~ 90 min

* Atualização em 2017

Disponíveis em tela cheia nos controles de reprodução.


― Livros

Moscucci M. Coronary angiography.In Moscucci M. editor.
Grossman & Baim's: cardiac catheterization, angiography and intervention. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013. 8th ed.
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451127409. Disponível em: http://www.lww.com/Product/9781451127409

Berg R, Lim M. Diagnostic angiographic catheters: coronary and vascular. In: Mukherjee D, Bates E, Roffi M, Moliterno D. editors.
Cardiovascular catheterization and intervention: a textbook of coronary, peripheral, and structural heart disease.
New York: Informa Healthcare; 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1841846644. ISBN-10: 1841846643

Safian RD, Freed MS. Coronary intervention: preparation, equipment & technique. In: Safian RD, Freed MS. editors.
The manual of interventional cardiology. Royal Oak : Physicians' Press; 2001. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1-890114-29-4

― Periódicos

Naber CK, Schmitz T, Meuter K, Sabin GV. Tools & techniques: angiographic views.
Eurointerv. 2010; 6:424-5.

Luz A, Hughes C, Fajadet J. Radial approach for coronary intervention.
Eurointerv 2009; 5: 1-10.

Green NE, Chen J, Hansgen AR, et al. Angiographic views used for percutaneous coronary interventions:
a three-dimensional analysis of physician-determined vs. computer-generated views.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2005; 64:451-9.

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