

Programa de Treinamento em
Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista

Módulo III A
Intervenções Coronárias: materiais, estratégias e técnicas


Os catéteres, as cordas e os balões

Dr. Márcio Montenegro
10 Julho 2012 ~ 52 min

* Atualização em 2016

Disponíveis em tela cheia nos controles de reprodução.


― Livros

Safian RD, Freed MS. Coronary intervention: preparation, equipment & technique. In: Safian RD, Freed MS. editors.
The manual of interventional cardiology.. Royal Oak : Physicians' Press; 2001. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1-890114-29-4

Muller DWM. Guiding catheters and wires. In: Mukherjee D, Bates E, Roffi M, Moliterno D. editors.
Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention: a textbook of coronary, peripheral, and structural heart disease.
New York: Informa Healthcare; 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1841846644 / ISBN-10: 1841846643

Douglas Jr JS, Ragosta M. Basic equipment: guide catheters, guide wires, and baloons. In Kern MJ. editor.
SCAI interventional cardiology board review book. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007. 1th ed. ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-6197-0 ISBN-10: 0-7817-6197-2

― Periódicos

Luz A, Hughes C, Fajadet J. Radial approach for coronary intervention.
Eurointerv 2009; 5: 1-10.

Roberts EB, Wood A. Use of a single q guide catheter for complete assessment and treatment of both coronary arteries via radial access during acute st elevation myocardial infarction: a review of 40 consecutive cases. J Interven Cardiol. 2011; 24:389–96.



Tabelas adaptadas de: Muller DWM. Guiding catheters and wires. In: Mukherjee D, Bates E, Roffi M, Moliterno D. editors.
Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention: a textbook of coronary, peripheral, and structural heart disease .
New York: Informa Healthcare; 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1841846644 / ISBN-10: 1841846643

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