

Programa de Treinamento em
Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista

Módulo III B
Intervenções Coronárias: indicações clínicas e resultados


Intervenções coronárias eletivas

Dr. Guilherme Augusto Xavier de Brito
03 Setembro 2013 ~ 49 min

* Atualização em 2016

Disponíveis em tela cheia nos controles de reprodução.

Intervenções eletivas e ambulatoriais
Dr. Bernardo Amorim
07 Agosto 2012 ~ 73 min


― Guidelines & Diretrizes

Windecker S, Kolh P, Alfonso F, Collet J-P, Cremer J, et al. 2014 ESC/EACTS Guidelines on myocardial revascularization: The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS).
Eur Heart J. 2014; Published online, September 10, 2014. pages:1-100 . doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehu278. Disponível em: http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/ehj/early/2014/09/10/eurheartj.ehu278.full.pdf

Fihn SD, Blankenship JC, Alexander KP, Bittl JA, Byrne JG, Fletcher BJ, Fonarow GC, Lange RA, Levine GN, Maddox TM, Naidu SS, Ohman EM, Smith PK. 2014 ACC/AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS focused update of the guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
Circulation. 2014;130:1749–1767. Disponível em: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/130/19/1749.full.pdf

Cesar LA, Ferreira JF, Armaganijan D, Gowdak LH, Mansur AP, et al. Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. Guideline for stable coronary artery disease.
Arq Bras Cardiol. 2014;103(2 Suppl 2, August 2014):1-59. Disponível em: http://publicacoes.cardiol.br/2014/diretrizes/2014/Diretriz%20de%20Doen%C3%A7a%20Coron%C3%A1ria%20Est%C3%A1vel_ingles.pdf

Montalescot G, Sechtem U, Achenbach S, Andreotti F, Arden C, et al. The Task Force on the management of stable coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology. 2013 ESC guidelines on the management of stable coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J. 2013;34:2949–3003. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht296. Disponível em: http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/ehj/34/38/2949.full.pdf

― Livros

Tummala PE, Guyton R, Williams DO, King III SB. Interventions for stable coronary disease. In Eeckhout E, Serruys PW, Wijns W, et al. editors.
Percutaneous interventional cardiovascular medicine: The PCR-EAPCI Textbook. Toulouse : Europa rganization; 2012.
ISBN: 978-2-913628-57-1. ISBN: 978-2-913628-67-0 (web edition). Disponível em: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/textbook/pcr-textbook

― Periódicos

Schömig A, Mehilli J, Waha A, et al. A meta-analysis of 17 randomized trials of a percutaneous coronary intervention-based strategy in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
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